Cultural Writing. Introduced by Timothy Leary, this collection of essays, photographs and research seeks to establish the scientific legitimacy of psychedelic studies. Important, very informative, and an additional valuable contribuition to the psychedelic movement --Dr. Albert Hoffman, inventor of LSD-25. The 'doors of perception' --that's the first step. The second step is opening the doors of perception. Then --going through. Next --learning that there are no doors of perception. Then --going back outside and alerting everyone else to the wonders beyond the doors.
An Australian dude lays out his best Mexican flavored vegan recipes. Not necessarily healthy food—Bourbon Whiskey BBQ Sauce, Country-Fried Tofu, or just the size of the dessert chapter might convince you of that—but a damn fine range of tasty, easy-to-make food with everyday ingredients that taste mighty fine without the use of butter, grease, or meat. With chapters on sauces, breads, side dishes, soups and chilies, main dishes, and desserts, this is 80 pages of solid goodness!
Dozens of beloved basics from the original, one-of-a-kind classic: 1996 KinkyCrafts-- including the Thousand Tailed Flogger, the Bubble Wrap Dildo and many more. These original creative playthings are still in widespread use in toybags all over the world. But as new players and new ideas have flocked into the scene over the last decade, Greenery Press has added even more--and better--ways to turn everyday household materials into bondage equipment, dungeon toys, sex gadgets and even safer sex supplies.
Wobblies and Zapatistas offers the reader an encounter between two generations and two traditions. Andrej Grubacic is an anarchist from the Balkans. Staughton Lynd is a lifelong pacifist, influenced by Marxism. They meet in dialogue in an effort to bring together the anarchist and Marxist traditions, to discuss the writing of history by those who make it, and to remind us of the idea that "my country is the world." Encompassing a Left libertarian perspective and an emphatically activist standpoint, these conversations are meant to be read in the clubs and affinity groups of the new Movement. 
By tracing the anarchist movement from the early years of this century, through the Spanish Civil War and World War II, through the dictatorship of Salazer's regime, and the "carnation revolution" in 1974, to contemporary time, this book becomes both a history of anarchism in Portugal, and a sociological analysis of the relationship between this ideology and the structure of craft and industries.
Given the general inadequacy of information available, be it about Portugal or a distant and controlled analysis of anarchism, the reading of "Freedom Fighters" will be a very interesting disclosure for a fairly widespread number of readers in English.
Joo Freire is a professor of Sociology at the University of Lisbon.

In Free Comrades Terence Kissack outlines and details how anarchists at the turn of the century were at the forefront of public discussions on homosexuality. This is not a book about queer anarchists. Instead, Kissack reconstructs the politics and history of the time period to show how and why anarchists were the leading advocates of homosexuality, and more generally, the idea of free love.

In 2006, Oaxaca, Mexico came alive with a broad and diverse movement that captivated the nation and earned the admiration of communities organizing for social justice around the world. The show of international solidarity for the people of Oaxaca was the most extensive since the Zapatista uprising in 1994. Fueled by long ignored social contradictions, what began as a teachers' strike demanding more resources for education quickly turned into a massive movement that demanded direct, participatory democracy.

A collection of writings on anti-fascist theory and practice form a North American perspective. Illustrated with photos and flyers, this book has both a historical overview and reference to current and recent events.
Confronting Fascism looks like a Zionist attempt to make criticism of the terrorist state Isr-el look like racism, rather than reaction to terrorists. Shameful. J-ws shop?
LOLarchists, defending Isr-el from the FASCISTS! LOL!
People need to google "white punks on hope", and listen to the CRASS song they find...
CRASS, best of an era, most important punk band in history, and more relevant than ever.
Unfortunately there are a lot of Jew hating fascists who infiltrate legitimate groups that have an intelligent and balanced critical opposition to the Israeli state.
i haven't read this book so i can not comment on the contents.
Camas a jews shop- YES!
a Zionist shop- NO!
I volunteer at Camas Books, have since pretty much when they opened.
I would assume anyone who would call Camas a Jew store, has never even walked into the space. Not that we are against Jewish people, or culture, hell we carry books by such prominent Jewish intellectuals as Emma Goldman, Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, Rudolf Rocker, and others. However Camas was set up as a specifically anti-colonial space. Therefore we have a pro-Palestine stance, and carry tons of literature supporting the Palestinian struggle as well as local indigenous struggles here on Turtle Island.
Besides calling something a Jew Store, itself is a blatantly racist comment.
and for the crass fan, I am also a long time anarcho punk, been listening to crass for years. I am one of the only punks that have been involved in Camas, but just to let you know, the punk culture even has it's place of representation in our collectively run, non profit volunteer run anti-colonial space. Hell we even carry some of Penny Rimbauds books, as well as currently have a copy of The Story Of Crass.
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